AWARD School runs an online program for students in regional areas and from abroad, and for those who prefer virtual learning. Find out more here.

AWARD School runs an online program for students in regional areas and from abroad, and for those who prefer virtual learning. Find out more here.
Established in 1983, AWARD School is a globally recognised course for aspiring creatives. In 12 weeks you'll be ready to take the next step into an agency's creative department, take your own business idea to the next level, or progress a career in commercial creativity with confidence. This is a course that will help you to break into Australia's creative industries.
AWARD School's online program is delivered virtually and outside of work hours by a team of industry-leading lecturers and tutors. All lectures, tutorials and even graduation will be held online. As part of graduation, an "online top student" will be nominated and awarded at the end of the course. Additionally, this student will compete against students who have come first in their state as part of in-person learning, to take out the titled of 'top student'.
AWARD School 2023 applications open on the 8 February 2023 and close on the 22 February, 5pm AEDT.
Applications officially open in February 2023 but you can make a start now by answering questions one and two in the application form. To make the application process fair, each applicant will then be given two weeks from the official February open date to submit their responses to questions three and four. Learn more about the application process here.
No experience is required. You just need raw ideas and determination to complete the course.
The national online program is open to potential students from regional Australia as well as to students from New Zealand and South-East Asia. Please refer to the full T&C's for additional eligibility requirements.
The cost of the AWARD School program is $2,200+ GST.
AWARD School is powered by Advertising Council Australia which offers inclusive training programs that provide equal opportunities to all persons regardless of their age, cultural background, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, and veteran status. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.
Applications for the online program will only be judged against other applicants applying for the online program.
Lectures will be shared via the AWARD School content hub. Tutorials will be held online on a Thursday night by the appointed online program tutors. Timezones will be taken into consideration and aligned where possible.
Students taking part in the online program will only be judged against fellow online students, with an "online top student" awarded at the end of the program.
NOTE: The AWARD Council reserves the right not to award a state/territory/program top student/s if the final body of work presented is not representative of the standard and quality that AWARD School is recognised for. This is to avoid a top student by default in states/territories/programs where we have a very small number of students.
T&Cs listed here
Please contact Simone Goldstein via e-mail
Learn more about AWARD School
Key Dates
Info Night: 7 Feb 2023
Applications open: 8 - 22 Feb 2023
Course: 20 March - 10 July 2023

What is AWARD School?