In the first of five graduation events to take place in Australia this year, AWARD School Melbourne celebrated the achievements of 50 students at Smart Artz Gallery in South Melbourne on 22nd July.

In the first of five graduation events to take place in Australia this year, AWARD School Melbourne celebrated the achievements of 50 students at Smart Artz Gallery in South Melbourne on 22nd July.
Following a display of outstanding work from this year’s student portfolios, the award for
top student was presented to Hannah Payton by AWARD School Heads Sarah McGregor
(Head of Copy, Leo Burnett) and Michael Mulcahy (Writer, JWT).
The award for second place was presented to William Cooper, with third awarded to James
Matthews. In no particular order, the remaining top ten places were awarded to:
Nicola Simmons
Laurence Punshon
Duncan Le Cornu
Max Reed
Stian Berg
Kieran Adams
Vanessa Every-Burns
Welcoming the crowd of over 140 industry professionals, supporters and graduates,
AWARD School Melbourne Head Sarah McGregor said: “Huge congratulations to all the
graduating students. Tonight marks the end of a challenging 12 weeks but the beginning
of what will be hopefully an incredibly rewarding career.”
The heads also thanked this year's tutors and lecturers for their enthusiasm and commitment throughout the course.
Tim Holmes (Creative Director, JWT) was on hand to present the top 10 certificates and
to offer some inspiring words of encouragement, stating: “persistence, passion and talent
are all essential to succeed in the industry”.
Four AWARD School graduation ceremonies will take place across Australia in July and
Sydney - Tuesday 28 July
Adelaide - Thursday 6 August
Brisbane - Thursday 6 August
Perth - Friday 14 August
AWARD School will also run in Auckland and Tasmania in July.