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Sydney 16 Nov | Melbourne 23 Nov | Perth 17 Dec

Sydney 16 Nov | Melbourne 23 Nov | Perth 17 Dec

About AWARD School Application Workshop

The AWARD School Application Workshop is a comprehensive one-day workshop where industry professionals will take you step-by-step through application tips, tricks, ammo and insider information. Essentially everything you need to know to give you a great shot at submitting the best application your brain can muster.

Is this for me?

We think this course is perfect, if:

  • You're applying for the first time
  • You've previously applied and missed out
  • Have never written an ad before
  • Only heard about AWARD School when someone sent you this link 5 minutes ago

About the day 

The day will be broken up into four modules, the first three following the format of the AWARD School application.

Module/Question 1 asks applicants a simple question. “Why are you applying for this course?” This module gives applicants tips on how to create an original and standout response to get noticed.

Module/Question 2 asks applicants to find a bad ad and make a great one for the same product. This module will focus on how to identify the core message that an ad is trying to communicate and to use as a basis to make a great one.

Module/Question 3 gives applicants a simple print brief that they create an ad for. Attendees to the workshop will receive a practice brief one week before and they’ll submit their work prior to the day. An industry professional will then work through some of the responses to demonstrate what a simple and clever piece of communications looks like.

Module 4 gives you some practical tips on what you can do between now and when the AWARD School application opens.

Getting in is half the battle

In 2019, there were over 500 applicants nationally.

Of the applicants, we only accept 200 students nationally.  Now it's time to give yourself the best chance at being one of them.

To be accepted into AWARD School, you need specific skills:

  • Idea generation skills
  • An understanding of the key creative tools for each media
  • Presentation skills

AWARD School only comes around once a year, make sure that 2020 is "Your Year".

NOTE: The Communications Council makes no guarantees that you will be accepted into AWARD School after doing this Workshop. The Workshop is designed to increase your chances of success.

Student Feedback

"A great day. Every speaker added their own take to the creative approach to ideas. Can't wait to dive into my application and hopefully get in to study next year." Sydney participant 2018

"Really helpful day, gave me a much better understanding of how to apply. Didn't drag on too long and was highly interactive which i really enjoyed." Melbourne participant 2018

"The workshop was packed with extremely useful and good tips which I could use to enhance my creative thinking for everything so big thank you!" Perth participant 2018

"Excellent day, made great connections with like-minded people." Melbourne participant 2018

"The "Tackling the Creative Brief" was the best session of the day. Pulling apart everyone's ads, including my own was really, really beneficial. This experience was super valuable." Sydney participant 2018


NOTE: The Communications Council makes no guarantees that you will be accepted into AWARD School after doing this Workshop. The Workshop is designed to increase your chances of success.


For more information about AWARD School, click here